Terms of Use

All materials on this website exist for the sole use of Blossoming Heart Center and is not to be used without express permission. All copyright material on BlossomingHeartCenter.com not owned by Blossoming Heart Center is there by express permission of the original owner and is not to be used without owner permission.


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for informed medical advice or training. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting a qualified medical or mental health provider. If you have concerns, please contact your medical or mental health provider.

Due to the nature of energy work and intuited guidance, your results will vary dependent on a variety of factors. Energy work and guidance are not intended to replace medical care in any way, shape or form. Suzie is not an MD and cannot/will not prescribe, diagnose, or "treat" any medical diagnosis. She will focus on and guide you in transforming the underlying causal energies that are often responsible for life's challenges.

In her roles as healing guide and channel / energetic and spiritual healing facilitator, Suzie does not practice social work, psychotherapy,counseling or diagnosis. If you have concerns regarding your mental health contact your medical or mental health provider.