Ageless Vitality from the Inside-Out

Age is just a number and it’s never too late to start living better.  Preferences regarding self-care vary from person to person, but most people would agree that if they have a choice, they’d like to maintain a youthful appearance and feel vibrant.  There are many ways to do this and only the individual can decide what is best for them.  It’s been my experience that living a healthy and mindful lifestyle has a direct impact on how we feel and look.  This takes effort but it is well worth it.  As we connect with our bodies, they often give us the answers regarding what works well for us and what does not. 

What we choose to put into our bodies and not put into our bodies makes huge impact on how we feel.  Natural, nutritious foods and beverages are ideal and give us the energy necessary to fuel our bodies as we go through the day.  This takes effort and discipline, but the payoff of improved health and increased energy is well worth it.

Our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves are also an essential factor.  Whatever we think or say about ourselves send messages directly to our cells.  When we criticize ourselves, our bodies respond to this at the cellular level.  Some of the worst things we can think and say to or about ourselves are “I am getting old”; “I am old”; “I am sick”; and/or “I am fat.”  Our beliefs determine our reality, so it’s important to choose positive and uplifting beliefs over negative beliefs.  It’s also vital to do deep inner-work to uncover, understand and elevate any subconscious beliefs that are behind the scenes running the programs in our lives.  Self-acceptance and self-love are key to the experience of inner-peace, love and joy. 

Many of my clients and their friends, co-workers, and families notice that they look younger after they’ve done inner-work.  They often get compliments about their appearance from people who don’t know they are doing the mental/emotional work.  These people ask what they are doing to look so good.  The best part is that they feel more understanding, compassion and love for themselves and others.  They radiate their authentic beauty from the inside out!     

Age is just a number and when we honor ourselves and our bodies with the cleanest, purest foods, supplements, skin care, and thoughts it can have anti-aging effects and extend our lives beyond what might be expected.  Other important factors include getting plenty of rest and sleep, having the balance and resilience to handle stress effectively. 

I’ve been living an extremely natural and healthy lifestyle since my mid-twenties when a debilitating health crisis required me to change my approach to living.  As challenging as those years were, I am truly grateful for all that I have learned and am now able to share with others.  Once I started living holistically and did deep inner-work I began having several beliefs about myself to include 1) I will age gracefully. 2) I will not need hormone replacement when I go through menopause. 3) I will live a long and healthy life.

At 54, I am happy to report that my menses ceased over two years ago and I am feeling better than ever, without hormone replacement.  I always knew that it would be easy on me and with minimal symptoms.  I’m not sure if that is the power of my beliefs or my lifestyle… probably both because it truly is an inside job.  In fact, I feel better than I did at age 25, naturally.  I’ve eaten a gluten-free, grain-free and very low sugar version of the The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears for the majority of twenty-five years, which has positively affected my hormones and energy level.  I accept my “wisdom lines” with grace rather than feeling shameful about or injecting them.  I’ve certainly had a lot of experience to justify them.  This season in my life, at this age and stage, is just as beautiful as my younger years!

I’ve made new additions to my self-care this year including a high quality collagen supplement and Annmarie ( clean and organic skin care products. Prior I’d only had two facials my entire life, used a body lotion from the health food store and a natural soap bar on my face. I wear sunscreen on my face and body whenever I am out in the sun during peak UV hours. I definitely attribute years of healthy skin to my diet and lifestyle over my minimal skin care routine.  Although, sometimes simple and less is more.  

Tips for feeling and looking youthful at any age:

  • Eat whole, organic foods to include lots of greens, vegetables, and fruit, lean protein and good fats

  • Boost your diet with lots of superfoods and antioxidants

  • Avoid alcohol, processed and sugary foods

  • Drink purified water, and lots of it

  • Keep it fun by adding superfood drink blends, fresh-made juices and lemon water into your daily fluid consumption

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night

  • Move/exercise every day in whatever way you feel inspired

  • Play and engage in creative hobbies and pursuits

  • Spend time in nature

  • Engage in body work (massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.)

  • Watch your self-talk and NEVER criticize yourself

  • Do deep inner-work with a qualified therapist or healing practitioner

  • Do what you love and love what you do

  • Meditate and take time to “just be”

I encourage you to gift yourself with uplifting self-care and self-love and to embrace every season of life.  We can age gracefully and enjoy the benefits of many experiences and wisdom.  Our change and growth can be embraced as a rite of passage, to be respected and honored.  Ageless vitality is the benefit of living a healthy lifestyle!


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