How to Create a Sacred Home Space

You can support and enhance your energy by creating a high vibrational and soothing space within your home. Sacred space is a calm and relaxing sanctuary to retreat within, designed just for you. This could be created in the corner of a room, a closet, an entire room, extended throughout the house or outdoors. Retreating to a nurturing place designated to meditate, contemplate, journal, move, create, read, dream, or just be is a beautiful way to honor yourself and your needs.      

A good place to start is by clearing out everything that you don’t want, need or love. Since everything is energy, excess stuff can add the feeling of heaviness and/or clutter to a room. By letting go of purposeless or meaningless things, you'll make room to bring in decor that reflects your style and the vibe you'd like to create.  Once you empty the space, it’s a wonderful time to open the windows and smudge with sage to cleanse and revitalize the energy. A new coat of paint in a subdued or refreshing color may also be in order.

Then fill the room with furniture or cushions that are comfortable and functional. Add beautiful wall art and mirrors, sculptures, stones, plants, sculptures and decorations that are meaningful and aesthetically pleasing. Candles and soft lights are a great way to create a relaxing ambiance for your sacred space. There is nothing like surrounding yourself in beauty, according to your style, to uplift and inspire you. It's also fun to change the decor with your mood or the seasons.

If you want to take it further, you can make changes throughout the entire home to create a higher vibration to help with energetic support, starting with one room at a time. I recommend clearing stagnant energy and raising the vibration of the room often to preserve its energetic integrity. Instructions on how to cleanse your space and raise the vibration are in my book Mastering Self-Care (available through the link).

Enjoy the sacred space you’ve created to nurture yourself often! Relax and connect within to nourish yourself with compassion and love. Ultimately the most sacred space is within yourself, and the beauty is… it’s everywhere you go. You are worth it!

Enjoy These Sacred Space Affirmations:

  • I am safe within myself and my surroundings.

  • I retreat to the sanctuary within to find peace.

  • I enjoy surrounding myself with furniture and objects that are meaningful and bring me joy.

  • My home sanctuary is a reflection of my inner-beauty.

  • I cultivate beauty within and around me.


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