Onward and Upward!

I have got something exciting to share with you! Working behind the scenes for many years, I am now ready to fill you in on what I’ve been up to. Let’s begin with the back story. 

My calling to serve originated with a debilitating health crisis, the path of “healer heal thyself.” At the age of twenty-six I began having serious health problems. Unknowingly, I had exposed myself to dangerous levels of arsenic, which was misdiagnosed and mistreated with a myriad of medications that made me sicker. I coexisted with the toxicity and tumors that eventually grew on my liver and right lung, until the root of the problem was discovered many years later.

Through holistic healthcare, impeccable self-care, energy medicine, spiritual healing, and an unshakable belief in a miracle, I made a full recovery and am now in excellent health. 

Following my profound healing I received this message from my guides, “You had to experience the miracle to share the miracle.” Initially, I thought this meant I would be telling others about my experiences through public speaking. I later discovered that I would also be facilitating spirit assisted healing, which was an essential component to my miraculous healing. Chapter 1 in Mastering Self-Care goes in depth about my healing journey for those who want to learn more.

I have been offering spirit assisted healing behind the scenes since 2017. After much preparation and practice I am now ready to share this offering with more people.

These powerful sessions begin with an understanding of your concerns related to body, mind and soul. I facilitate subconscious belief repatterning related to those issues to prepare you for the session. I then work with a team of divine presence of pure love and light that includes God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, ascended masters, archangels, divine angels, my healing guides, your higher self and guides. The entire process takes an hour and a half, although divine spirit remains with you until the work is complete. 

These sessions are not for everyone, but for those who feel called and ready. People often reach out when they have become disillusioned with their situation, the medical system, and/or the results they have experienced. However, these sessions can work in conjunction with traditional medical treatment.

The outcome of this work cannot be guaranteed because the success depends upon a variety of factors including: your belief system and readiness, soul contract and lessons, and more. It’s not actually me doing the work, I am simply the facilitator and a clear vessel through which source energy flows. Sometimes it takes more than one session because, let’s face it, we did not get to this place in one day.

God and divine spirit make all things possible. The effects of this sacred work have been profound and I’ve had the honor of witnessing many miracles. If you feel called, are ready to try something new, and trust in the process, then these sessions are for you!

Feel free to reach out for a complimentary 15 minute consultation if you would like to learn more or share with others you believe may be interested. 


Review, Release and Revive